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Happy New Year

I no longer work on ‘Eucalyptus’. The existence of this blog has just been a pointer to my web presence.

For the kind consideration of my followers (Errr… followers of the blog), I would like to once again emphasize on the point that, please redirect your questions on Eucalyptus to the respective mailing list.

I really appreciate your followup, but its just that I’m no longer associated with Eucalyptus (which is an ‘OpenCore’ Cloud Computing Platform).

This blog will be revamped with posts specific to the only ‘OpenSource’ Cloud Computing Platform in the new year ahead!

My warmest wishes to you, friends and all on this occasion of new year – WISH YOU A HAPPY NEW YEAR 2014

(… and many more years beyond… well, there is nothing closed here!) Do let me know if you see something which doesn’t sound ‘O P E N’